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    How to Check Your Website Speed? BEST Tools !

    What Is Page Load Time (or Webpage Speed) and How Is It Measured?

    Generally speaking, a website page load time is the time it takes for someone to see the content after they’ve landed on a webpage.

    However,  the answer isn’t really as cut and dry as that. Saying “my website loads in X.X seconds” is distorted from reality. Why? Website speed is a fluid concept, for two reasons:

    • Webpages don’t load all at once—they load piece by piece
    • Website speed varies from webpage to webpage and user to user, depending on each page’s attributes and the user’s browser, device, and internet speed

    When it comes to websites the faster they load the better experience it leaves for the user. If your site is filled with unnecessary images, scripts, codes, videos, or plugins then that can really harm your website speed. The speed of the website also determines the Bounce rate and conversion rate of your visitors. If your site is too slow people can get bored and leave your site immediately. Google also stated that the speed of the website has greater impact on SEO. Think about it. Google wants to provide the absolute BEST search results, and a high bounce rate (bounce = someone lands on your webpage, isn’t satisfied, and immediately “bounces” back to the search results) is a sign that a webpage does not meet a user’s needs. So it only makes sense to know if your site speed is up there with their standards.

    Speed Matters to Conversion Rates – According to Google, 53% of mobile site visitors leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load—which increases your bounce rate and lowers your conversion rates.

    The site speed factor only mattered to desktop devices until January 2018, when it announced the same standards would be used for mobile devices.

    Two recent studies have shown the impact of a single additional second of loading time: 1-second costs Amazon $1.6 billion in sales and every additional second of loading time causes 10% of users to leave the BBC website. And this impact is just as pronounced in the small business world. By speeding up your website you can improve your SEO and maximize the number of clicks that turn into customers. This all gives you a strategic advantage over your competition.

    According to Google, the recommended page load time is under two seconds: “Two seconds is the threshold for eCommerce website acceptability. At Google, we aim for under a half-second.” But that is just the recommended time. To know if your site speed is good enough you can use the following website performance testing tools:

    • GTMetrix
    • Google Page Speed Insights
    • Pingdom

    Website Performance Testing Tools


    GTMetrix is a useful website from which you can check your website speed easily. It provides a report from many sources or methods and is really useful to find out the basic optimization that you can carry out to improve your site speed. GtMetrix also keeps historical data of your site speed so you can check how much your site speed has increased or decreased in time. It also provides information on what type of system your website is using like WordPress, Shopify, Wix, or Squarespace.

    Google Page Speed Insights

    how to check your website speed

    Page speed insights is another website performance testing tool you can use to check your website speed. This one is a bit more complicated as it goes into more detail regarding the speed optimizations. You can check the score that Google gives on both mobile and computer devices. This tool is a great option for developers who want to know how much fast their code or scripts are loading up. Google PageSpeed Insights rates your website out of 100 for both desktop and mobile and provides page speed improvements for your website in order of severity. Images can be a big part of what slows down a page and the PageSpeed Insights tool will provide optimized images for you to download. Just be sure to review them as they don’t always get this 100% correct.


    how to check your website speed

    Another site that is used to check your website speed is Pingdom. This site is really useful to check your site speed from various server locations. If you want to check your site speed from Asia, Pacific, Europe, or America you can specifically set the server location and check your site as it loads from those destinations. This site is useful both for experts and novices alike. Pingdom uses more than 70 global polling locations to test and verify our customers’ websites 24/7, all year long. Pingdom provides the load time, page size, and real-world comparisons with other sites.

    As a general rule of thumb, your website should have a load time of under 3 seconds and a page size under 3MB. The tool also provides a categorized breakdown showing exactly which types of files (and individual files) are extending your loading time.

    So if you are still wondering how to check your website speed you can use these tools and find out yourself. But always be careful while making any changes to your site as it can break your site or make them less user friendly. If you are looking to improve your site speed and optimize your website then you can contact Nevolution Tech. We can help optimize your site to improve your website speed and improve the experience your visitors have.

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