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    React native vs Flutter : Cross Platform App Development

    In today’s technological era, mobile applications are so convenient and easy to use that we have an app for almost everything. Whether it be entertainment, education, health, or finance, there is an app for everything. And with the current consumer market primarily divided on iOS and Android platforms, developing the same app for a different platform can be a hassle for the cost and maintenance. Cross-platform development provides a solution where the same code can be used to build an app for different platforms reducing development and maintenance costs.

    There are various ways we at Nevolution Tech develop a cross-platform app. Here, we are going to talk about one of the tops and rapidly developing development tools: React native vs Flutter

    React Native

    React Native is a product of Facebook, the social media giant, and was initially released in 2015 and since then has been developing at a rapid pace. It is an open-source language that uses JavaScript which runs on the device and directly communicates with the native platform to build the app. It also has a huge community base, there are tons of developers involved in putting React Native where is it today. As of the current date, the latest stable version of React Native is 0.59.


    Flutter is an open-source SDK from Google, released in 2017, only two years ago. It is based on Dart language, C, C++, and skia graphics engine. Flutter runs in JIT (Just In Time) execution engine, inside Dart virtual machine. On iOS, flutter uses ahead-of-time compilation to execute the code. Since flutter is newly released its community is still not sparse compared to React Native. But there are a lot of people working on it daily and supporting newcomers.

    React Native vs Flutter Similarities

    Cross-Platform App Development

    Both flutter and React Native is designed for cross-platform app development. They both provide high-quality applications for both iOS and Android platforms.

    Open Source and Free

    Both languages are open source and free to use for developing your own app for anything you want. They both have detailed and up-to-date documentation with API references and enough resources to get you started on building a simple app of your own.

    Hot Reloading

    It is a feature that is present in both of these languages. Hot Reloading means that you can see the changes that you made on your app during the development phase without a need to rebuild the whole app. This means a ton to developers since it saves time and allows for easy modifications to the app.

    React Native vs Flutter Differences

    Programming Language

    The basic difference these two languages have is the language used for development. React Native uses JavaScript which is very commonly used and known for a lot of developers. Dart is a programming language used by a very niche developer and is based upon the OOP concept.

    UI Components

    React Native uses third-party widgets to develop the UI components whereas Flutter uses platform-based native UI  components for its UI.

    Technical Architecture

    React Native uses JavaScript bridge to compile the JavaScript code into native code at run time. Flutter uses the Dart framework which has a lot of components built in it. Dart has a lot of frameworks like Material Design and Cupertino which provides everything needed to develop an app.

    Whatever the similarities and differences between them maybe both of them are a great tool for cross-platform mobile app development. Both of them lead the other one in some area and fall behind in some. Whatever you choose both of them can be used to develop a great app and for multiple platforms at the same time.

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